The progression of history towards a happy world community driven by increased globalization isn’t going so well.
I read today that many Israelis are more radicalized after last years’ war with Gaza. Says one Israeli: "We needed to hurt them and not have mercy ... to destroy every house till [we] found that soldier," says Buson, who dropped out of law school to open clothing shops in Jerusalem. I read elsewhere that the President is so embattled in places in his own country that “Charles Manson could beat him” there, not only because of his policies, but because the constituency believes him to be an African, Muslim, Socialist hell bent on taking down America. Apparently: "The zoo has an African lion and the White House has a lyin' African". One major news source’s Senior Political analyst says that it looks like Al-Qaeda, armed with box cutters and a demoralization-fueled plan, is winning the terror war. Amidst the threat that two hundred thousand people could be dead after the Haiti earthquake, a popular American news show pats itself on the back for its fruitful endeavors to find one Iowa couple’s child adoptee amidst the chaos.